venerdì 30 aprile 2010

i finally settled my books in my new red-painted room.
yashica + 50mm . fuji superia 400iso.

mercoledì 21 aprile 2010


martedì 20 aprile 2010

lunedì 19 aprile 2010

carnevale. milano. february.
yashica + 50mm + fuji superia 400 ISO

sabato 17 aprile 2010

this was supposed to be just a test before shooting on film (i wanted to try some different poses and clothes and then choose the best one - i never do this, but this time i couldn't decide so i decided to make a couple of digital shots) but this turned out pretty well. yeah, i don't kow how i did it (:

i did those also on film, of course.


winter sunsets in the park.
february. yashica + fuji superia 400iso

domenica 11 aprile 2010

new roll coming
february snow on my way to university. the first two were taken from the train.

sabato 3 aprile 2010

springtime . taken by my boyfriend. yesterday we took our bycicles and went to the park, we ate strawberries and i finished my roll.